Dear all, musicians in particular:
We have created a gift package for you of thirty complete scores of my best known songs. The scores include melody and lyrics. My thanks to Greg Goebel for all his help.
It is my joy to freely share these with you—but please don’t let me walk into a bar and catch you playing the wrong chords or singing the wrong lyrics.
The best to you this holiday season
With love and respect,
Download Gino’s Songbook
Gino giving away 30 complete scores

52 Comments on “Gino giving away 30 complete scores”
You are truly a nice person! Thanks for all the years of wonderful music! Happy holidays to you and your family…………….
Claudia Mann
What a nice gift! Thank you and merry christmas!
It was many Years I was waiting for this sheet of music .Finally a great gift for Christmas
great job THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
What a wonderful surprise! Your generousity and kindness constantly amaze me. When I look at this sheet music my mind contemplates the hours you spent at the piano or guitar as the music flowed from you onto the page. A decade long labor of Love…. I will treasure this gift. You won’t find me in a bar, but you will find me at many Gino Vannelli concerts just taking in the vibes. Looking forward to your new album in 2016.
Respectfull your fan
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I saw Gino for the first time since the 1970’s in Atlanta Georgia on December 6th in Melbourne Florida. It was my early birthday present to myself. His voice is still so amazingly beautiful and cuts deep to my soul. He can sing any type of music and make it flow so effortlessly. I love his song Gypsy Days and I’ve watched his you tube performance when he sang for the Pope. Amazing. Such a talented and beautiful human being. His concert was such a wonderful experience and brought back great memories.
Thanks for the share. I am an avid fan and have been looking for something in print for decades. Please come and perform for us in the Twin Cities! Soon.
Good day. I am writing and sending my poems, compositions and wonderful congratulations for Gino long ago. I am doing creative activity and art. And yet art is concluded to animate vulnerable soul of painter. I wrote very big support Gino, via my sincere words about his music and concerts. That his new achievements in music will be very enchanting and magic. That his fans, when they listen to his New Album, will wait, having held their breath, his charming melodies, which are going from his musical mouth. Album will be strong, beautiful and precious, like sky rainbow. I value this personality for his diligence and industry in Music. But i am upset so because i didn’t get any word from him or his team. And to know how he values my work and all what i am writing and creating. Opinion about my letters. I don’t know how to connect to him yet. Where it may write. May be manager will answer me. A something contact. And yet I have only, little musical composition by which he will interested, i think. It is unfinished for piano. In these sounds one may hear human experiences. Simply charming introduction. Help me please to knock to Gino!!! So my belief and expectation are withering, like beautiful petals of flowers
There is no other musician quite like Gino. My father took me to see him in Atlanta on the Brother to Brother tour and I have been completely hooked ever since. Thank you so much for such a wonderful gift and for sharing your incredible talent. God bless you!
many thanks and a Happy New Year to you and your family.
Mauro Borsetti
“but please don’t let me walk into a bar and catch you playing the wrong chords or singing the wrong lyrics.”
Thanks you re amazing, u re welcome to Tel Aviv on the 10th of february, I m gonna make an evening tribute to West Coast music, we re gonna play Brother to brother and I just wanna stop…at least I can send u the videos, I have a great band!
Thanks Gino for generous gift of song! Loved your amazing concert in Montreal this past September. What a special treat to see your family there and get a picture with you…Looking forward to another concert in the future!! Natalie
Soul food manna from Heaven. Thanks Gino and Greg. Will circulate to other musicians.
Wow – what a fantastic gift ! As a long time admirer of your work from afar (Australia) I can only hope that you’ll venture Down Under one day to perform.
Now – what are the chances of a score…..or even just the chords to Where Am I Going ? Your most complicated work and one that would be so worthy of a transcript !
Many thanks
Hi Gino
A big thanks from Switzerland. What a great gift and what a challenge to play.
Did see the LA 2014 Live event on video recently. What a brilliant gig. A ‘grown up’ better than ever Gino Vannelli.
Take care and thank you for your inspirational music.
Gino..From South Africa, just awe, deep gratitude, respect and love.
Thank you for being such an incredible musician and an inspiration. You are truly blessed and you have touched lives you cannot even begin to imagine.
I am going to have such fun with the music and I am deeply thankful for this incredibly generous gift of your.
Always with the greatest respect.
MJ Alexander ( Avzal Ismail.
Thank you so much. You are a wonderful soul & an absolutely stupendous composer and musician. You have made my day, month, year.
Thank you so much for this music. I love both your early version and your more current version of Brother to Brother, which to me, as an older vocalist is a true inspiration. In my humble opinion you are one of the great vocalists of all time. You make the world a more beautiful place.
Jeffrey Baer
Maestro Vannelli:
I just discovered the Song Book download. This is like finding a masterpiece in a bottle on a deserted beach! I have no words!
I saw you live for the first time In Northfield Park, Ohio on 10/30/2016. I was perfect in every context!
I have been enjoying and studying your works since I first heard “Where Am I Going” in 1975. I was a full-time professional musician at the time and incredibly, a local radio station played the full song for the first time! I was driving to a music store and I literally pulled off the road to listen. When the song ended, I was in shock and remember saying to myself- out loud “The Caruso of the modern age”!
Your extraordinary gifts of composition, arranging and performance have been and continue to be a source of motivation in my exploration of music since that day in 1975.
Excuse the verbosity!
Highest Regards to you and your loved ones.
Just discovered this wonderful gift. Wow!!! Thank you so much for this Gino, and for the incredible music that you have given to us over the years. My dad, (A very hip dude), introduced me to “Brother To Brother” back in 1978, mainly because as an aspiring drummer, he thought I’d enjoy the wonderful drumming on that album. He was right of course, but more than that I instantly loved everything about the album, not least your awesome vocals and lyrics that I identified with at that time in my life. It’s still one of my all time favourite albums. In fact, many of your lyrics over the years have been very pertinent to my own thoughts and feelings. Perhaps it’s because we are close in age, and went through the various stages of life at the same time. Whatever, thank you Gino for the inspiration and at times comfort, that your music has given to me. Love from England mate…..Pete
dear Gino,
I can not express in a few words the gratitude for the value they offer the world of Music. I hope to hear a new masterpiece, as soon as possible.
Sorry for my terrible english.
Somehow I am only discovering now that this songbook was made available. But, unfortunately, the link is no longer a good one to download. Any way it could be made available again? I’ve been digging your music Gino for many years and would love to see the stuff straight from the source. Thank you.
Thank you so very much for correcting the links for the songbooks. I’m going to be digging into these for a while.
Dear Gino, thank you for this great songbook. You’ve created the musical background of my life ever since the release of Powerful people back in the 70ies (when I was in high school). I was totally blown away and it marked the start of a lasting career of enjoying your fantastic music. Now, over 40 years later, I am looking forward to your concert in April in Hilversum the Netherlands, the place where I went to school back then. Can’t wait to see you performing life again! Thank you again and all the best.
Dear Gino,thanks for your music.
You are a great artist.
Thanks for your great songbook.
I was looking for your songbook for a long time.
I’ve been following you for a long time.
I was lucky enough to attend your concerts and meet you in person in Italy.
I hope you’ll be back to Italy soon for new concerts.
I await you.
Thank you very much.
All the best.
Gino!!! You are the best of the best! I did not expect to find this gem online, and I was simply looking for a lead sheet; ended up with so much more! Much love from Chicago, and I have here a version of “Fly Into This Night” that I did a few years ago. Grazie!!!
Kind Sir! Greetings from Windsor, Ontario, Canada! I have been absolutely turned upside down by your kindness to release your songbook FOR FREE! I grew up through the 70’s and your voice and the music seems to have always been in the background playing. Hearing you sing is about as familiar as my mother’s cooking. WELL DONE SIR! WELL DONE!
thank you so much !
too bad that feels like … is missing 😉
Outstanding! Thanks so much!
Thank you. Really, I’ve lost many evenings to search and reproduce your chords. It’s a great satisfaction to see the results are not so distant from real. Thank you so much: first for the songs, then for this unpayable gift!
Thank you for all my life!
your music stayed in my heart…
I learned so much of your harmony and I wish to have your best songs and play on my piano
you were touch for the finger of god!
Trully kind of you.. your songs has and always will be an integrated part of my life, placing me on my positive side and high spirited everytime !
Bravo Gino.. keep inventing Great songs!.. love from Indonesia!
I saw you, your brother, and your awesome band last week in Akron. Fantastic show! I first saw you during your “Gist of Gemini” tour in probably in 1976 or 1978 in Richmond, VA. I was blown away and have been a fan ever since. Thank you again for your generosity at the VIP and by offering your songs/charts here on this site. The audience loved “The Last Days of Summer on my recent faculty recital. I also really enjoyed meeting the lovely couple from Toronto, Canada who manned the merchandise table out front. Quite a nice family of fans you have.
Wow, thank you Gino. Only recently discovered your music and love it.
GRACIAS GINO !!!!!! fantastico regalo.
come to sing to my little bar in nord Spain. look at facebook BLUEMOON LOREDO.
Gino, twwwhank you so much. For this gift but more especially the wonderful music. To both you and Joe I say thank you.
Dear Gino,
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this. You are a true gentleman. I have been a fan since I was a kid in the 1970s. Your music is powerful and uplifting and is very meaningful to me. I am so glad to see you are still performing and sounding great.
Looking to the sheet music to “His Love Was Reaching” – David Meece
Thanks so much for the tunes
Thanks a lot for your present, this is a great gift for me.
Thank you very much Gino!
It took me a long time to write down the score of Parole Per Mio Padre, this is so much easier. 😉
HI GINO Im a huge fan since 1974 i have a lot of your music cd;s and albums but what this about i’ve seen some bands on youtube playing your music and i’m blown away by how excellent they are at playing the master genius music. im from MISSION BC.CANADA I’ve seen you twice in vancouver in years past you are one of my favs of alltime.I am a keyboard player i would like to get a GINO VANNELLI song book but there is none available i’ve been on the internet looking PIANO/VOCAL/GUITAR PLEASE HELP SAM BYE GINO
A huge thank you for sharing this treasure!!! There’s so much to understand and learn from your (and Joe’s) compositions for every musicians.
Gino, I have enjoyed your music for a long time. Thanks for having a kind and generous heart. Your arrangements are really uplifting and challenging to musicians. What a wonderful gift. God bless you and your family.
Gino…..thank you so much!
I’m very grateful.
muito obrigado pelos scores, your music is wonderfull .
I would love to get that great and fantastic book of yours!!! I a fan of every songs you did!!! You know Michel Cusson, Paul Brochu and Alain Carron; I used to play with them.
WoW. THank YOu Gino.
Thank you, Gino! You are awesome!!!
This is a truly wonderful gift. I look forward to singing “Living Inside Myself” and a couple of others. I do have one request (if it’s possible…). I’m trying to find sheet music for “Powerful People” but it’s hard to find. Do you have any leads or distributors that I might be able to purchase a copy from? I understand you performed in on Soul Train back in 1975 but the video appears to be blocked (damn Viacom…) and I’d like to do it for my 70’s Soul show. Any assistance or direction you can give would be appreciated. Thank you (from a Chicagoland fan)!
Ok, I’m a longtime fan, though have never had the chance to see Gino in concert. I stumbled across this wonderful gift today, more than eight years after it was released. I’ve got a new-ish iPad, a USB-C hob, a little midi controller, some good music apps, a video monitor, and a couple of small audio monitors. I just got it all working together properly. I opened up one app this morning, found an electric piano/phaser sound, and thought, “Ooh, that sounds like the intro to ‘People Gotta Move’. I wonder if I could ever find the sheet music?” Lo and behold…. wow! Thank you so much! How cool is this?
Merci gino tu est tellement gentille de partager je t’ai vue le 7 mais dernier à eindhoven c’est t’ai mon rêve de te voir en concert j’ai fait 850 kilomètre pour venir à eindhoven pour te voir je suis de france j’ai passer toute mon adolescent à t’écouter je t’ai découvert à l’âge de 14 ans en 2007 merci beaucoup pour ta musique est le bonjour de la communauté manouche en t’aime beaucoup !