Dearest friends,
I think I’ll do myself a favor this holiday season and go the extra length to be a little kinder and more understanding than usual—let some of my frustrations concerning our present quandary go, at least for the while. (I solemnly promise to stop hurling my mules at the flat screen for the next two weeks.)
Although it’s a bad idea to bury our heads in the sand, I think we deserve a break from bad news. Leastways a short pause, a breath. A little time to regather our shaken selves. Pick a day, maybe two. Best place is right where we are.
I myself will take a few minutes out of each day to chant a few carols, hum a few timeless hymns; there is power and sensation in them as they pulsate through the body and find their way to the tips of our extremities. I now better understand their beauty and purpose throughout the ages.
Be the rock that creates the ripple in the pond; let your ripple quietly spread to the circle of those you know and love.
Gino checks in before the holidays

19 Comments on “Gino checks in before the holidays”
Simply a Legend. Thank you for you voice of beautiful music.
Your music takes me to another place!
Thank you… for being the superb soul brotha you are, Gino! That you stay so grounded and straightforward on things. I so love “How Sweet The Silence” the snow, the fireplace, the more handsome now than ever man playing beautiful guitar, that sweet voice and fitting words.
The video is so relaxing, enjoyable and simply beautiful!
I love “Yet Something Beautiful” That’s really real for millions of people everywhere and much love shown to the Caregivers out there. Wow Gino! Right to the heart. Thank you for that!
May the whole world and on coming generations find needed rest and stillness
while being transported by the splendid sound of your voice…a gift so wonderful
helping so many journey along… with you…with hope and strength to keep moving on.
I love that you designed the life you love and that you do it with real music. You live it so beautifully…especially during difficult times. I know you have been through such great lost and pain.
Losing your awesome mom! Too devastating for words!
This world is still too crazy…on too many levels to count…but we keep pushing on! Never give up!
Thank you for sharing so much of your beautiful soul…through your music, art, and stories with us…your fabulous fans…the world! I love that you keep it real. I love you always, Gino!
Embrace every moment like a new born baby and allow joy, healing and love to keep sinking in.
God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you, your family, friends and everyone with an open heart. He’s the real reason for this season and every season. XOXO
Merry Christmas dear Gino and Family. May the peace and grace of God be with you and may the Holy Spirit continue living in your heart and soul.
Martha Gallegos and Family
Thanks for that message. I am 53 and have been a fan for a long time. I hope to get to see you perform live someday if possible.
Thank you for the amazing music.
Dear Gino You and your voice are in my everyday life. Merry Christmas to you and the family, the Portland Bank, sure miss se
eing u guys. Stay safe ,
Merry Christmas Gino, Patricia, and Anton…..and pups!
Merry Christmas Gino and family.
I recently got TiVo and have discovered so many of your songs and videos that I hadn’t heard before. Giving me many hours of pleasure and escape from this world. Thank you for all of your music and your recent album.
Condolences on the loss of your Mom.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Dear Gino…I discovered you in the 70s, played and enjoyed your strong, clear voice and sumptuous, sensual, seductive melodies and arrangements. Then somehow I forgot about you and all of it…until recently! I rediscovered you this month – initially through encountering the video of “Parole per mio padre” (mi piace assai questa tua canzone, e non ti dico quante lacrime ho versato ad ascoltarla!).
But listening to you talk in various interviews during these last few days I have been deeply impressed with the way you seem to gather and assimilate humanity’s searchings and yearnings through the ages. Your obvious groundedness and solid humility are both disarming and a joy.
And he sings too!
And he sings too!
–mille grazie di cuore
Hey Gino,
enjoying rediscovering your music again after it sadly slipped off my radar. Always a joy to hear you and pleased to discover your site. Thanks for all the reasons to smile.
Dear Gino,
Greetings from your hometown. Would be nice if you do a little video of you live singing Total Stranger. Wishing you all the best. Grazie per la musica.
Gino Grimaldi
Montreal, Quebec, Location Unknown
Hello from Montreal!
Always been a big fan and also went to Pius X high school.
Would you be interested and available to do a telephone interview for
Dear Gino,
I cannot wait to see you in Florida!
Best wishes,
I would absolutely love it if play at my coronation. You are a superstar!
I’ve been listening to the live version of Living Inside Myself multiple times a day – I can’t tell you how deeply it moves me. I know how much you make God smile too. Can’t wait to see you in Florida! (If you ever come to Pittsburgh, I’ll be so happy to take you on a tour)
m.Gino Vanelli, je suis de montreal. votre pere Ross , me coupait les cheveux au salon ROXY A MONTREAL SUR LA RUE JEAN-TALON,ensuite vient VIC, QUI A SON TOUR , me coupait les cheveux , maintenant c est Michel salon Roxy sur beaubien , tout cela pour vous dire que ,j aimerais souhaiter a vous et votre epouse la sante, aux derniere nouvelles que j ai eu ,elle allait pas bien , anyway ,simply to let you know that i was and still a fan of you and would like to wish you health , yes health, you and your wife and family , my name is NORMAND OCCHIONERO ,by having cutting my hair today at the salon we talk about ,Vic, Ross. Steve sure steve will remember me , anyway SALUTE AND BE GOOD PAYSAN , I AM 72 YEARS OLD AND LOOK LIKE 50 ,HAHAHA,
Hi Gino,
I send you and your family all love and happiness always and forever.
Your friends from Canada Mary and Therese all our love today and forvever xoxoxo
Whenever I am down all I have to do is listen to your music and I am transported back to a happy place. Thank you so much.