Life I Got

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“Will I be strong or barely keep alive
When I’m thirty-five”

Those words are from a song I wrote, called Where Am I Going, recorded in 1975. How little a 23-year-old knows about the future, let alone himself. Fifty years later comes “The Life I Got.”
Half a century ago, how could I have ever imagined shooting a video to a tune called, Nowhere to Go But Up, in Belgrade, Serbia, with a large cast of young dancers and musicians. The video definitely marks a time and place for me.
Most of The Life I Got was written at the outset of Tricia’s illness. Thus, the soul-baring content, as honest and as loving as I could conceive. The only possible exception being, It’s All Good Mama, a true story about my first trip to NYC when I was just shy of eighteen. I had slept under any roof I could find, including the sky above a few park benches. (I would have slept on a bed of nails if I had to in order to jump start my career) Cold and hungry, one night I entered into a dim, smoky, underground bar, filled with men in leather. Though it struck me as a little odd, I didn’t hesitate to come in out of the freezing drizzle. I was hoping for hot pastrami on rye, but I got something I never bargain for—a lesson in social science. Tricia always got a smile out of that story and insisted I add It’s All Good Mama to the record.
The Life I Got (To My Most Beloved) is number 23. I believe it’s one of my best efforts. Maybe you’ll agree.

The new album, “The Life I Got (To My Most Beloved)” is out now.

No Where To Go But Up

6 Comments on “Life I Got”

  1. Tears come to my eyes by just reading only the words above. These words accompaning the new album, as a rememberance of fifty years ago and as an ode to your beloved wife, Tricia.
    I clearly remember fifty years ago, sitting in a room at my friends home listening to this song ‘Where am I going’ and ‘Storm at Sunup’….Wonderful, and getting a glimpse of what life was going to be in advance. I was 17, nothing great happened still, but music always opened my heart. And now, at 67, I know…how life tricks us and enchants….
    Thank you Gino, for all the love you’ve shared in all those years. I feel it…always.
    Heartful greetings

  2. I just listened to this song two days ago and really loved it. I hope you are doing well and wish for you the best. We are still praying for your comfort.

  3. Gino,
    Aaaah dear precious one
    You beat me to the punch as I am being engulfed right now
    in this moment by what I believe is truly your best musical work thus far
    It’s so very brave and powerful… I really love ” A Little Bit Broken”
    that sweet horn, the crisp piano, soothing bass,
    and the depths of your aching soul pouring out
    through the most exquisite instrument of all… your vocals… Wow!
    I love every song on this album… that’s a given with your awesome gift and work.
    “Come to Jesus Moment” and my hope is that people truly will come to Jesus Christ.
    Love it… love it!
    Within 10 seconds I got big tears on “The Hero You See In Me” and “Stormy River”
    I so enjoy the “Nowhere To Go But Up” video… lighter, youthful, funky fun and cool.
    I know you can’t help but ache terribly for Tricia
    but nothing can steal away the power of the love and life you both shared together
    and the beautiful gifts that came with all that… especially Anton.
    Gino… I love you and the way God made you.
    You give such awesome beauty and worth to being in this very ugly world.
    Thank you so very much, Gino!
    And mostly I thank You, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior
    for giving me Life and Life more abundantly (John 10:10 NIV)
    It’s All Good Gino…Kisses and Hugs to you.
    Love to you, your family, friends and fans!

  4. Hallo Gino

    Heel mooi,Uw lieve Tricia leeft in Uw muziek voort ,dat hoor je zie je en voel je.
    Ze is onlosmakelijk verbonden met Uw muziek en daardoor heel breekbaar maar zo krachtig tegelijkertijd.
    De kern van de boodschap is zondermeer aanwezig
    Kijk ,hoor zie,voel, zweef als een vogel,als je er in gelooft dan gebeurt het.
    Als we allemaal zo geloven,dan verlicht dat een hele boel, allemaal kunnen we ons steentje bijdragen , dankjewel voor de muzikale inspiratie, het ga U goed en ik ga Uw cd kopen.Dank jewel .

  5. Hello dear Gino, How accurately everything is described! I join the words above, music is the salvation of our mortal world. “The Hero you see in me” is the pearl of the whole album. I will try to make a version on my viola. With the deepest respect, Artem. Russian National Orchestra. (vannell_video rare)

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