Hey everybody!
Just when you think the well might be empty, you keep yanking up another bucket-full of water. Got over 30 tunes written and have begun laying them down in the studio. Can’t seem to get ’em down fast enough. The approach is somewhat different, compared to past recordings. Seems I have a few tales to get off my chest–experimenting with the fusion of Americana, blues, folk and jazz. Although there will be some piano oriented songs, seems the guitar and I have gotten on quite well in the last couple of years and have come up with the bulk of the new tunes. Plan to be done with it by fall. I’ll share a couple of tracks with you when I am further along.
See you in Southern California at the end of the month.
Studio update from Gino!

6 Comments on “Studio update from Gino!”
Dear Gino Vannelli,
I have loved your music since the 70’s! Your songs have lifted me when I was down, raised me higher when I was already up and brought me pure joy and happiness as well as introspection.
My sister and I were at your concert at the Saban last night and I cried, laughed ,danced and left supremely happy and thankful to be alive ! You and your band were fantastic and thanks for the encore !!! I just want you to know that with every bit of your soul you put into your music-it’ s truly appreciated. You must hear this often , but I speak from the heart. What I do for a living sometimes tries my soul-I look to music for the healing I cannot give myself. In my eyes, you are both a musical angel; a gift on loan from God, but also a thinking man, aware of what happens in world.
‘Just want you to know that you have touched my life and I’m sure the lives of many others with your music-I was rubbing elbows with many last night -all of us just happy to see you. Take care, know that the world is a better place because you are in it and enjoy unconditional love from your family, friends and adorable Bodhi and Link. Please come back to L.A more often !
Best Regards,
Claire Valencia Fuller, MD
When are you coming to Cleveland?
Always an Adonis only exceeded by talent, character, intellect and professionalism–rare. Artistically coiffed and immaculate. So gracious. How do you do it? Detroit 9/25/15 was wonderful—YOU. Thank you. Couldn’t wait to be there. Had been fiending for years to see your live show. 9/25/15, picked up LA CD-DVD. Love it. Nearly wore out original Gino collection before stolen many years ago. Must replace. Buzzed until you come back around. Autobiography, please! Exemplary life example.
Hi Gino. I recently discovered a couple of videos on You Tube. I love Venus Envy and Wilderness Road. Either one could easily be put out as a single in the Country genre and would be a hit. You are so gifted. You lift my spirits with your music daily. Thank-you You are Truly an inspiration…Barby in Ohio.
When will you be performing in the New York area
Dear Gino, Ross, & Joe,
We are so sorry to hear the loss of your mother.
The love of a mother is priceless!!!
May she Rest In Peace and Rise in Glory.
Please know you are not alone. You have the strength from all of us to carry you through this very difficult time.
Our prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.
We met at the Warehouse on November 22nd, 2019.
The Mederi Benefit. We were so touched by your kindness.
Your mother is very proud to have 3 wonderful sons.
She’s your Guardian Angel watching over all of you.
With much Love
Donna Rossi and Melody McEnaney