Hey folks, just shot the video to Older N’ Wizer yesterday. We filmed at a local bar called the Skyland Pub. Had more fun than should be allowed.
Here are my two friends Ken Cahill and Terry Smokes who played the officers on my case.
We are working on the final touches. Be out soon.
Hugs to all

28 Comments on “Video for ‘Older N’ Wizer’ underway”
Hi Gino & Co. … good news ..hope all is well and look forward to your next dates in the Netherlands or Germany (Munich for example) A lot o new and old fans are waiting to enjoy your music live..
Greetings from Germany
Gino Vannelli – While perusing you tube for musical research during September, 2019, my husband Chuck and myself Annie ,rediscovered your wonderful musical talents while listening to “I Just Wanna Stop”. We both reacted by saying, “ Wow, what memories your voice and your song repertoire brings back for both of us.
Just recently we learned that you were performing at the Iridium Jazz Club in October, 2019 in New York City. Before we could wink, two preferred seating tickets were purchased. As we both sat in your audience in front of the sound engineer, which we believed was your brother, an awakening occurred, not only by the environment of the Iridium, but listening to your beautiful voice and your incredibly talented band! My husband and I have been professional musicians our entire lives since we were children. After attending college and both becoming music educators and both professionally trained for jazz piano and trumpet, along with being classically trained, in piano and trumpet, we ended up playing stages across the northeast for thirty some odd years, entertaining all age groups. We retired for a bit as we got older. Seeing your concert inspired us so to wake up!
While leaving the Iridium and getting back on the train back to Connecticut. we had such an “electricity” going through us only to realize that we both needed to start playing again!
After we both come home from teaching urban school children music education all day, we find the energy and we now are prioritizing and once again practicing to rejuvinate our life long craft. Our home is full of gorgeous sound waves of music running through our hallways again. We are close to your age and your last performance created an “awakening” for us to get back to the music business. We will be seeing you again on November 22nd at the Warehouse Factory Gala in Fairfield, CT For the Mederi Center Fundraiser. We can’t wait to have that” electricity” experience once again.
Gino -Thank you, Thank, Thank you!!!! Keep your talent alive! Your music is one of kind and will live on forever…..
Musically yours, Annie and Chuck Serravalle, Old Saybrook, CT
Hi Gino! looking forward to it. Hope to catch up with your tour in PA in November.
Hope you make it back to Cleveland, OH someday. Your last concert here was awesome.
Love you man
Hi Gino be there for your concert this Saturday 28 in Austin TX. First time to see you in person. Ginny Galindo
Still awestruck and speachless after your heartfelt and great performance at Austin’s One World Theater. Consistently, once again your commanding stage leadership conducting each note is only the tip of the iceberg. Lyrically, you touch each and every soul. Appreciate you’re tribute to caregivers. Bless you and your band and team of close to perfectionists. Loving the new album, congrats
Was hoping to attend the Beverly Hills date at the Saban, but am shooting on location in Vancouver. Hope you and your brother are doing great. And one of these days, I am going to finally direct a music video or concert for you, my friend. All is terrific on this end. Good health and staying busy as ever. Sending love and hugs from Travis and I. Cheers, Chip Miller
I attended the Saturday 9/28/19 concert. It was a breathtaking experience. You were so full of energy and directing the band and enjoying life. Thank you for the caregiver tribute. Hope to see you again in the future. Keep on flying and enjoying life.
Hola Gino, desde adolescente siempre escucho tus bellas canciones, te veré el 29 de noviembre en el auditorio Black Berry., saludos desde la Ciudad de México
The concert in San Diego was magical. All fans need to do his Meet and Greet. It is very interesting seeing them check the sound and previews of what they will perform. The best part is meeting such a gracious man and having your photo taken with him.
I have been a fan for years and to show my appreciation I presented him with a piece of jewelry , an Inca Cross . I knew he had traveled in Peru and would know it’s significance. To my surprise, he wore it that night of the concert. I was thrilled. It goes to show you that he also has a deep appreciation for his fans .
I hope Gino , you will be able to arrange a concert in Indio California. You have a lot of Snowbird Canadian fans there.
Again ,Can’t thank you enough for a fabulous concert.
You and the band were amazing yesterday evening in Beverly Hills. I had never had the opportunity to see you back in the day, but we flew down from San Francisco to see you for my birthday. What fantastic, jazzy music. And you still have the pipes and performance chops. Kudos to your band. Each one of them is so awesome.
No question, Gino, you must come to Germany next!!!
Dear Sir,
I have been a fan of yours for many years. The album that first caught my attention was “Black Cars”. I’m so very happy that you have released your new album “Wilderness Road”. It’s absolutely marvelous. In my humble opinion, you are one of the best contemporary music male vocalists around, and your voice is absolute perfection.
One of my favorite contemporary female vocalists today, besides Karen Carpenter who sadly isn’t around anymore, is Jackie Ryan. Check out her song “You Are There”. Her voice is also sheer perfection, especially on that song. I hope that you will run into each other someday, and perhaps work on something together? That would be fantastic. 🙂
Alright, take care and G’d bless.
Going to Canada in June, July 2020….. Any concerts happening there to surprise my hubby?
Hi Gino,
Your concert in Erie, PA was amazing! And wherever did you get your band? They were also amazing and fit you like a glove. Thanks for performing some of your more recent songs. Night Drive and Yet Something Beautiful are two of my favorites. Have fun in Mexico City.
Hello Oslo calling!! We are sitting outside the venue waiting for you! Please come to Oslo!!
o Gino hello Gino hoping you and your family are doing well.just love the new video Yet Something Beautiful.
Would you please telling us the story behind the new necklace u r now wearing I believe that a friend gave it to U and that it comes from Peru. Where u once went looking for answers. Wishing u and yours so much
Love and peace this coming year and
Always. We all have so much respect
For all of you. As fans I believe we all feel the some. Take care and may God Bless . ⚘⚘⚘
❤❤ til next time
Gino I missed you when you came to Chicago hoping you are coming back I will definitely not miss you this time love your music got all your albums just want to see perform live. Im gonna bring my teenage sons to the show the love your music to.God bless
You are the one and only LEGEND!! You are so blessed and gifted. May we all continue to hear your sweet voice for a very long time!! Saw you at the Warehouse on November 22nd, 2919 in Connecticut. Can’t wait for you to be in New York again.
With much Gratitude
Donna Rossi
How great it will be to listen to you in Stockholm 4th of nov. Have been listen to your music since ”Pauper in Paradise”!
caro gino, mi chiamo Nadia e sono di Roma. Da ragazza ti ascoltavo molto e non nego che ero attratta anche dal tuo fascino macho, ma a tua voce mi ha sempre destato forti emozioni. Purtroppo per molti motivi non ho mai visto un tuo concerto. Ti vedo spesso e ascolto molta tua musica su internet. La adoro tutta: dal primo album all’ultimo, se posso essere sincera forse quelli piu commerciali mi piacciono meno (anni 80/90 per intenderci, esclusi alcuni pezzi memorabili).
Quello che vorrei dire è questo.Siamo in piena emergenza COVID19 e vedo che si sta espandendo in tutta europa e resto del mondo. Se dovessi per questo motivo rimandare i tuoi concerti per motivi di sicurezza, mi è venuto in mente un concerto online….naturalmente a pagamento. Lo so che non è la stessa cosa, la stessa emozione nel vederti e sentirti parlare dal vivo, però sarebbe bello poterti vedere esibirti con la tua band per i tuoi fan di tutto il mondo. E si, perchè a quel punto il collegamento lo può fare chiunque che abbia un computer. Pensateci, forse h detto una stupidaggine, forse no.
Comunque Gino, cerca di resistere qualche altro anno a questa vita, perchè mi devi fare questo regalo, venire a Roma e farti conoscere dal vivo. Io ti sento molto, avverto, nonostante ci divida la lingua, la tua sensibilità, il tuo cuore immenso, l’amore che metti nel fare le cose, e soprattutto quanto ti diverti a farlo. by
Hi Gino,
Yesterday I’ve received youre last album “Wilderness Road”. Once again it’s fabulous. I’ve listened to it three times already and its amazing me more and more, what a great piece of music. I’ve bought “Powerfull People” and “Crazy Live” in 1974 when I was a 14 year old boy and every album you have made eversince. You always managed to surprise me through time. I’ve been to many of your live performances in The Netherlands and can only say one word: outstanding. Now I am 60 years old and still a great fan of your muscic. It is quite special that your music runs like a thread through my life for more than 45 years. Thanks for bringing a melody to my life.
Dearest Gino,
I saw some brief footage of you on tv singing, “I just want to stop,” and my heart smiled. I absolutely loved this song as a child and still do. I immediately listened to serveral recodings and your voice is as strong, and beautiful now, as it was in the 70’s when I first heard it. Thank you for sharing such an amazing gift.
Dearest Gino,
I saw some brief footage of you on tv singing, “I just want to stop,” and my heart smiled. I absolutely loved this song as a child and still do. I immediately listened to serveral recordings and your voice is as strong, and beautiful now, as it was in the 70’s when I first heard it. Thank you for sharing such an amazing gift.
Hi Gino, I’m Montserrat from Barcelona, one of your fans, together with my husband David; We are waiting for your tour of this city! Come soon. At the age of 12 I fell in love with your music with Felicia. You are beautiful!
Hey Gino – here in San Diego like I told you before – would have gone to hear you in our Little Italy but tinnitus of 40 yrs prevents that-last saw you at Humphreys. I was playing W Road yesterday while confined to the house during these trying times. Then A Good Thing. Then more – any words of wisdom? I can’t perform again at the Senior Facilities that provide my income + SSI. Musicians may be at the end of the line to go back to working. Have been singing and playing guitar outside in empty park areas – need to keep my singing voice in shape!
Gino you coming back to Texas anytime soon. I missed you when you were playing in Greenville, TX I think that was towards the end of 2019 or early 2020. I saw last back in the 70’s it June of 73 SMU with Stevie Wonder. I saw you again after that in Dallas with the Moody Blues.
I just rediscovered you … I was attending a concert in 1987 on Amager, Denmark called femøren. You played with Landoki. Amazing
Now I just saw your album Vilderness road. Simply amazing