Hi everybody,
Just thought to share a few facts about this latest video Ross has created for the summer masterclasses. The song Ross chose to edit the video to is called, “Knight of the Road.”
I wrote it back in 2005; then tucked the tune on a shelf till I was ready to record it.
One night In 2008, in the house I rented in the Netherlands, Bert van den Brink came over to record his piano track. All I had was an empty canvas. Nothing had been recorded but a few finger snaps for him to keep time to. A bit unorthodox but with a little imagination and patience we captured a great piano performance. A few months later we recorded drums in my Portland studio. Reinhardt came over one day and played a perfect shuffle to Bert’s Wurlitzer track. Rein carefully mapped out Bert’s time feel throughout the track so as to be right in sync even when Bert would take liberties with the click track. We used a small Yamaha kit I kept in my drum booth. A day later Damian Erskine laid down his bass. I immediately did a quick vocal session. I was happy with my performance but still thought something was missing. That’s when I called Curtis Salgado to play harmonica the next morning. Dude is so good I created a brand new intro just to feature him. I found some drum doodling by Reinhardt in the early bars while we were getting a sound on his drums. Curtis traded impromptu licks with Reinhardt’s doodle track. Magic out of nowhere–best way to get the tune rolling I thought.
Anything but normal, yet the recording still turned out very well, perhaps even better than I could ever have imagined.
Look forward to sharing more stories and insights during the masterclasses.
Gino checks in with note about upcoming Masterclasses

9 Comments on “Gino checks in with note about upcoming Masterclasses”
I know I speak for many of your fans how much we all enjoy these tidbits from behind the “scenes”, it’s such a joy to read these notes. I also enjoy when you include notes regarding Ross’s input as I have truly become as enamored with his career as yours Gino. He’s a true quiet genius!
Hey –
I’ll never be a MasterClass attendee (why do this when I can’t sing?)
But, I draw, write and make films…and find your attention to detail in songwriting inspiring.
Happy 65th Birthday !!
Happy Birthday Gino!!! The knight of the road is one of my favorites. I also love tell Great Divide. Have a blessed and enjoyable day.
Happy birthday,to you !
Thanks to all the good memories i have on youre music it is from al the times ,ime embrease it ,wel done you are great, you have much to give and given so many much. Take care,and wish al the goods.
the goods.
Love these little tid bits you give us and you always amaze us with your talent and Ross is such a wonderful soundmaster!! Thank You for Blessing us with your gift ..and a Very Happy Birthday to my Gemini Soul Brother..from the Knitter….
I was very pleased to see you’re still around I am also too a Gemini happy birthday and hope you have many more listening to your music now fabulous saw you in New Orleans several times when you came.
Thank you for being such an influence on my early years growing up, mom introduced us. I was in my early teens with Powerful people. I finally got to meet you in Dallas, got my picture taken with and wanted to share a story with you. You had alot of fans there, wasn’t a whole lot of time. I spent some years in the car stereo industry and we used your music when setting up the systems. The shops where I worked had never realized just how tight your productions were. They knew of you but hasn’t lived with long enough to realize all that you are. So we turned alot of people onto your beautiful works. I still go back annually and spend a month reliving all my youth to present time that I still share you with those who are so less fortunate. Those that were never blessed by your gift.
William Garland
I have been a huge fan of yours for many years. Your music is inspiring. I was excited for the opportunity to meet you, in New Orleans, during your 61st birthday tour. The show was great. Many, in the audience, were singing along, myself included. Best wishes for your continued success.