Here Comes That Day Again

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gino vannelli

gino vannelli

Coming up on that snaky day: you know, the one that creeps, crawls, sidewinds and rattles its rear end, then whispers, “Happy birthday!”
Honestly, it’s not as bad as it used to be. There is a turning point when one begins to count their blessings in lieu of carping about the relentless march of time.
I am nearly finished recording the new record called “The Life I Got.” We will be done by July. I have been co-producing it with Peter Fil, an artist/friend who lives in Athens Greece. Every day or so we get on skype and discuss each new track and what backing vocals Peter will do. I believe this will be my 23rd album. (The 24th is in the works)
Ain’t I the lucky guy to stir in bed during the early hours as the sun peaks through the mountain pine tops; climb out, throw water on my face, feed our cat from hell called Binx, butter my bread and down a cup of coffee, then march over to the studio, three hundred paces away.
I am very much looking forward to the coming fall dates—been too long. Rehearsals are scheduled for late August. Of course it takes a little prep work to ensure I’m not wasting anybody’s time and money while I’m on stage. I have often been asked about my daily routine, so I’ll let you in on my schedule—here goes:
Vocal exercises every other day. Fifteen minutes of making dumb sounds that drive Bodhi (our Aussie) mad.
He lays down with his paws wrapped around his ears, letting out random howls now and again.
Ten to fifteen minutes of jogging on the rebounder (3ft trampoline). Some weights.
Then thirty minutes of infrared sauna, turned to the setting, ‘Get your shit together’.
Shower, then studio till noon or so.
Before I get into making any sounds in the new studio, I sit at the piano and sing. Nothing like singing all out at 6am.
Four or five hours of music making, then three hundred paces back home for a little nourishment, usually accompanied by interesting discussions with Tricia.
Our topics range from the divine to the downright despicable. (recent dark politics included).
A bit of yoga after lunch to keep my bones from folding on me—at least not just yet.
Another 3 or 4 hours in the studio. (Bodhi is usually with me)
After dinner is when Tricia and I do some glute bridges and quad sits together. I am nonplussed by her ability to do her sits five minutes straight. I break before four.
We round out the day by doing some Atheq exercises together for about twenty to thirty minutes. Just so you know: I have had my own share of bodily problems throughout the years, ranging from debilitating neck pain, and the draining headaches that ensue, low back and knee pain, sleep problems, other matters generally under the purview of the nervous system. This is where Atheq helped a lot. (The Atheq protocol is a bit deep to explain, but here is a link for your own edification)
Once, at 22, I wrote, “Will I be strong, or barely keep alive when I’m 35.” The years have granted me the uncomplicated wisdom of knowing: it’s not the digits that define our age, it’s how we feel where we stand. Dump the social stigmas and find the bounce in your step. Who cares about the race between your jowls and butt to see who reaches the floor first. Life has many gearwheels, find the driving wheel that turns the entire mechanism. Be good to yourself and give the final lap meaning. (Uh oh, I’m waxing preacher here.)
In any case, I’m ready to get with the band and see you again. Miss you all.
Much love

27 Comments on “Here Comes That Day Again”

  1. Dear Gino, I sincerely hope you enjoyed your very special day with your beloved ones. I can hardly wait for more of your unbelievably impressing music and your fascinating voice. If ever you come to Switzerland again – I will be there. Take care. All the best for you and your family. Susanne.

  2. Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met jouw verjaardag,

    Zing, Vecht,Huil,Bid,Lach,Werk en
    Bewonder .
    Samen met diegene die jij liefhebt.
    Bedankt voor de prachtige in nieuw jasje gestoken muziek,het is prachtig.
    Een fijne verjaardag gewenst.
    Jeannette Scheepers

  3. Thanks for adding the shows! My wife and I will see you in Cincinnati. Looking forward to it. The world needs your music today as much as ever to stop hating and remember we are all family.

  4. I’ll look into your methods to help our issues as we all get older. We hope you add more dates and locations to your tour. We have driven 4 hours to see you in Brampton, ON before – hope you can make it back to the Cleveland, Ohio area.
    You have a great following going back many years. Thx

  5. Greetings Gino. So wonderful to hear you are beginning to tour again. Would love to see you and your band perform. I saw you twice in Canada, once in Brantford, Ontario and another time in St. Catharines, Ontario. I’m a Hamilton girl, born and raised and still living here. Hope you will be able to make it out this way again. You rock!

  6. It sounds like a beautiful day. You are blessed as we are to be able to share the experience. Please add a tour stop in Northern Ca this year! You have so many fans up here. There are some beautiful and intimate venues that would help create a magical evening. The Golden State Theater in Monterey would be awesome.
    Safe travels!

  7. Salut Monsieur Vanelli! Je suis de Montréal et j’étais à votre show au Forum de Montréal il y a bien longtemps de cela….vous étiez avec votre frère et votre père je crois sur scène….Chris deburgh faisait votre première partie…j’ai eu le bonheur de vous entendre en concert privé à Music Plus ( Paul Brochu à la batterie ) fabuleux…
    Je souhaite vivement vous revoir en show…pouvez vous m’aider à y arriver…je suis une fan depuis des décennies….à bientôt j’espère! ❤️💋❤️

  8. Hey Gino Happy Birthday!!! We too will make the 5 hour drive next week, down to LA to see you for the 3rd time at The Saban & in Ojai too. Always more than worth any amount of time, money & energy spent. I mentioned it to you in Ojai last time, but should you consider Northern CA, Folsom Lake College (near Sac) has the Harris Center for the Performing Arts. Only 850 seats but the near-perfect acoustics would make for a wonderful, intimate show. My first Gino show was in ’76. Finally got a chance again in the 90’s at a club in Santa Barbara. Attended every LA area show since … You keep performing, we’ll keep showing up!
    See you at the Saban meet & greet!
    Can’t wait!!!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday Dear, Sweet Gino!
    I’ve been waiting to “see” you since I was 19 years old. I’m now 67. Tonight I got the privilege of your beautiful concert at the Saban Theatre in Los Angeles. It’s the beginning of my healing process, for my husband’s death. So thank you Gino, for you, your music, your words. And you move!!!
    ……. Sylvia

  10. Amazing shows in LA & Ojai last weekend! I would love to have a live recording or video of this tour. Gino’s voice is as fine as ever and the band is quite possibly the tightest band I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen hundreds of shows over the past 50+ years. Thanks again Gino !!!

  11. Hello Gino,
    We just saw you in Cincinnati. Fantastic show, and, as always, your singing and your performance was stellar! My husband and I were seated right by the bassist, and since my husband play drums, he was happy to see your great drummer so clearly. We were thrilled to see you in person!
    Your alto sax man, Eric, played with my Jazz trio at a nice venue here in town. He did a good job with your charts.
    My dad was raised in Montreal, played Jazz Harmonica, and toured with his act in Europe and the US. My mom also very talented singer and played cocktail drums with a fantastic pianist here in town. My folks insisted that I study piano, so now I am an adjunct Piano teacher at Mount Saint Joseph University. My trio worked the fancy steakhouse in the casino as headliner until the casino changed hands and became “Hard Rock Casino.”
    I was touched by your story of the unsung heroes. I created a Sing a Long show for Alzheimer’s / Dementia patients that was proven therapeutic in clinical trials. The transformation that occurs once I start the music and the patients begin singing and “swinging” is astounding. The workers who care for those folks are our healthcare heroes.
    We hope to see you perform again soon!

  12. Dear Mr. Vannelli, May I recommend a fantastic singer to your from Israel? His name is Aaron Razel. His brother Yonatan is also extremely talented. Check them out. Pehraps you can do something together with either. Your fan, P. Weber

  13. You’re the best Gino i’ve been a fan since 72 so you live in concert at Miami high li just wonderful I’m a drummer my dad was the drummer also to me you’re like the greatest musician of all time you’re a true musical angel Can’t We get you on the TV show soundstage which is live in concert video show where you play live on TV wonderful You would be great on that I have everything that you have ever recorded my favorite drummer of all l time was Dino Denali of the rascals and also the group photo maker I don’t know if you’ve ever seen him live but he was unreal God bless you and thanks for all the musical highs you’ve given the world!!!! Tony Rosa Jr

  14. Hey Gino. I’m sitting here listening to ‘Ugly Man’ and it got me thinking about how your music has gotten me through every thing from high school to grand kids. It occurred to me that I better tell you how you have always been a fav of mine. I am trying to get all my records back, they were on LPs. Cds and mp3 now. Who knew?
    Yeah I am old too. Headphones and my record player saved my life a few times, so yeah, thanks for that. Keep going brother and I hope to see you on tour someday, ..soon 🙂

  15. Hey Gino. I’m sitting here listening to ‘Ugly Man’ and it got me thinking about how your music has gotten me through every thing from high school to grand kids.
    It occurred to me that I better tell you how you have always been a fav of mine.
    I am trying to get all my records back, they were on LPs. Cds and mp3 now. Who knew?
    Yeah I am old too. Headphones and my record player saved my life a few times, so yeah, thanks for that. Keep going brother and I hope to see you on tour someday, ..soon 🙂

  16. Dear Gino
    Im so so looking forward to hearing you in Copenhagen in April. Ive waited a long time for this. Also looking forward to your new album. Any chance you will perform Walther Whitman in copenhagen? That song hits me.
    See you soon
    Fan since the 70’s

  17. Dear Gino,
    Very keen on expecting your new album The Life I Got. I always hope, since I’m a fan of your music since the first days of your career, that you came back to a glimpse of your compositions like on albums as The Gist of the Gemini, Pauper in Paradise and Brother to Brother. The long classical, dramatic, latin-like epical filmish songs.
    Please, let there be once more such a music story from your soul. Just one more new one on an album nowadays, just to know and hear again what now would be like such a composition from your hand in this episode of your life. As you wrote not so long ago the phrase from the song, Where Am I Going: What would I be like when I’m 35…. Well, you’re still not 85 but almost 72. It’s coming close. I am only 6 years younger than you and age is growing fast. Thanks my dear ‘friend’ for all the musical love you gave and still bring. Waiting always for news from you. See you in may here in The Netherlands.
    Heartful greetings,

  18. Gino –

    Saw an interview with Steve Paikin where you talked about “I Just Wanna Stop” being about the love of your life, who didn’t want you to do music.

    We’re all really old now 😁, so I don’t know if she’s still around, but if so, I wonder how she feels at this point?? Hmm.

    I wrote one of those songs once, as well. Wow, the longing lasted for years, but I finally got over the person. 👍 I couldn’t sing the song anyway, so that made it much easier! 😀

    Think how may people’s lives you’ve made so much happier, including your own, by following your musical heart, soul and dreams!! You’d never have survived otherwise, Kiddo……

    Blessings, Gino. Bravo! for being one of Canada’s best musicians, if not the best.
    Collingwood, ON

  19. Most recently heard you in Illinois and very pleased and excited about your new release in July. Your music these past 40+ years has been good medicine for my soul. Thank you for your talent and drive to share what is so precious.

  20. Hi Gino,

    I remember when I first time heard your music and …. was completely blown away by your “Brother to Brother” album!
    This happened in eighties, back in Russia where I’m from. I was playing keyboard in the local band, mostly doing Western rock bands’ covers.

    Your music enlightened me and forever changed music style I loved ever since.

    I only recently learned that you are residing near Portland! It is quite close to my now home city of Vancouver BC.
    Now my dream is to get on one of your concerts if it happens to be in the area.

    You should schedule Vancouver, Seattle or Portland in your next tour! People in the Northwest love you!

    I checked your You Tube recent live concert’s videos and you sound and look awesome! Please do more!

    I wish you to stay in such a shape for many many years and bring joy and inspiration to your fans!

    Vancouver BC

  21. To say I’m grateful for you is an understatement all my life, from storm at sunup I’ve b feeling invested, living in Seattle for 25 years I had no idea you were in Portland, so sorry for your loss, will forever be invested in you and admire and adore you always, thank you for if I should loose this love, took my breath away truly, will love you forever and your beautiful love of music, you are like no other, if you are lonely please consider contacting me, I’m real, I also followed your spiritual journey and concur

  22. Dear Gino,
    Wanted to tell you how amazing you were in Des Plaines. Loved the Q&A at the Speakeasy, your insightfulness so interesting and deep. Wanted to speak with you, but the ladies had you occupied. I gathered a group for a “Gino Weekend”, good high school friend, a niece, & great niece. Three generations of Gino fans & it was so special. Hadn’t seen you since Ojai 2018, I needed my “fix” & you delivered. Thank you for that. It was a wonderful celebration of you, & wish you well. Will be looking forward in seeing you at the Westgate. Kathy

  23. Dear Gino,
    Wanted to comment how wonderful you and the band sounded in Des Plaines on the 15th. I planned a “Gino Weekend’’ with a high school friend, a niece, and a great niece. Three generations of Gino fans. Really wanted to be there for your Birthday celabration and the Speakeasy was a great venue for that with the Q&A. Wanted to talk with you, but others had your ear. So sorry for your loss, and I wish you well. Will be looking forward in seeing you at the Westgate. Much love from your #1 fan, Kathy

  24. I am forever your fan and have brought my three sons into the mix. We follow you and visit you when your in town. Your music is a message that helps me cope with this • crazy Life” your band is exceptional always and never fails to amaze me at your venues. Thanks for being.

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