I hadn’t been on a month-long road trip for some time. These days I’m more inclined to broaden our schedule so there is ample recovery time after each group of concerts—usually two or three at a stretch. Giving my best is the idea. But flying to Holland right after our eastern Canadian tour seemed prudent, in light of having only six hours to time-adjust rather than nine from the West Coast.
By the time we left Zurich, our final concert and one month on the road, we all looked and felt slightly grilled on both sides. I decided to stay and decompress in Amsterdam for a day and a half before taking the eleven-hour flight back home. I ran two miles in the morning, took a sauna, slept, ran another three miles at noon, took another sauna, heaved weights, did yoga, got two massages and pissed rainbows all day. By that evening I was feeling a whole lot better than I did twelve hours prior. I became a kinder and gentler soul once more.
‘Perskindol’ is what one yellow tube said, with a picture of a red flame nearby. The other yellow tube said, ‘Confidence facial cleanse, anti-aging armor’ (as if) — both patently obvious designations to the theoretically clear mind.
In a dim-lit bathroom with only the lavender LED lights illuminated around the small round vanity mirror, what living male human, predisposed to ignore directions at all events, would bother to read names or check silly marketing images like flames. A tube is a tube, and yellow is yellow. Who’d be dumb enough to put muscle balm next to the sink anyways? I choked the yellow tube and got the gooey goods and applied generously and deeply, trying to clean every pore poisoned by rich and sometimes questionable food, high pressure cabins and strange beds. Suddenly I noticed the texture and smell were not exactly what I expected from a facial-wash. In the next moment I had entered into face hell, slapping cold compresses to burning cheeks and fiery under eyes and lips that sizzled like steak on a griddle. I believe I looked a little like Lila in the Heartbreak Kid, after spending a little too much time in the Cabo San Lucas sun, as I examined my face in full light.
“Ice machine!” is what the man in the mirror urgently advised.
I met some truly beautiful folks on this trip. I think the shows were some of our best. I hope the audiences felt just half of what rushed through me during the concerts.
Thank you all
Purple LEDs and Two Tubes of Yellow

19 Comments on “Purple LEDs and Two Tubes of Yellow”
From Holland 2018: after 5 dark years, 6 concerts, 3 at the first half of this year and 3 in the fall. The total in 40 years is now 39 (want to make it a even 100?) Still in the mood, singing in my mind, people i belong to, Canto and Gipsy love, think at least for a copple of months. Love your voice more and more, the stories you tell, if you just read from the
phonebook i still buy tickets (frontrow ofcours) Your voice seems richer every time i see you.
Shaked your hand after the concerts and said thanks (mayby strange, but WOW) love that you do that for your fans. We are getting older (i am 68)
i hope for many more years of your music, live on stage ofcours, can not imagine a life without it.
So Gino a thousand thanks for filling and making my life compleet
beautifully said !! I totally understand you man I am the same
I totally agree with you! I went to one of his concerts in Texas and was in front row; mesmerized but very vocal in my appreciation!! Loved paying a little more for VIP pass to get his picture and autograph!!! Will definitely do it again❤️
#Purple LED’s and two tubes of yellow. Sorry about the face. Gee that’s what a woman’s hot flash feels like. Really enjoyed your concert in Kingston. Your voice and stage presence was incredible.
Hi Ron Van Welzenesoll, I have a curiosity.
I am a proud Canadian born and raised.
Gino Vannelli is a proud Italian Canadian.
Why do you think he is so popular in the Netherlands ?
Hi Susan,
I am just listening to Gino in my working room in Hamburg, Germany, where I live as a Dutchman since 2010. I have been a fan of Gino since his first album and he has accompanied me all my life. Whatever happened to me, wherever life took me, his music was always there and in October 2018 in Zoetermeer, thanks to gift from my wife, I was finally able to visit a concert and shake his hands afterwards. I can still get very emotional when I think about this experience. I believe his popularity in Holland started with his legendary live performance in a famous (and somewhat infamous…) TV-show in 1976. The Dutch have always been open to new and different kinds of culture, art and music (unlike the German…) This could also be a reason why Gino lived in the Netherlands for a few years and on his CD “A Good Thing” are a good number of Dutch musicians. I hope we can enjoy his music, lyrics and friendly personality for many more years.
Hi Gino,
thank you very much for coming 2 times to Europe this year. Enjoyed the April show in Frankfurt and the October show in Hilversum…Happy to read about the warm welcomes, you received also in Vienna and Zurich…. more and more people are discovering/rediscovering your music . Greetings from Germany Andreas
Hi Gino i attended the two last concerts in Holland at Amsterdam and Zoetermeer, the show in Zoetermeer was from my point of view the best. All the band played like if it was the last concert of their life. Your voice is still very beautiful and powerfull it was a pleasure to meet you briefly after the show for the meet and greet session. We travelled specially from Paris to see you and let me say you that it was my best concerts of the year 2018. Another great “souvenir”. Merci infiniment. Jacques
It’s winter soon, isn’t it?
GINO is careful of a cold, and (^o^).
in japan tokyo
I finally got to see you Gino in concert , flew all the way to Detroit because you don’t come to NYC but it was beyond rewarding to see you.. oh my, absolutely fantastic and I hope to see you again soon… it was a dream come true… you rock!!!
Hey Gino!
Finally going to see you live in Atlanta! I’m a diehard fan since 76 Gist of the Gemini was recorded. I worked in the 80s the night shift at a local San Juan PR radio station. Obviously carried your albums under my arm. Dropped the needle on “Summers of my life” a few times. Really excited to finally meet the “Ugly Man” But your not alone!….Have a great Christmas
Bloody hell…….I’ve been a fan since the beginning…..but never noticed a tour in the U.K.! Your walloping music used to be a welcome change from dreary English music in the 80s. My mates and I used to have you blaring from the car stereo when we were off into Manchester on Saturday nights!
Heard Living Without Your Love on the Soul Funk Show on Jazzfm! The dj is also a big fan!
I keep pressuring them to get you on the Love Supreme jazz funk summer festival here in UK. I think the dis agree…….get yourself over here!
Yes, Gino. Please at least do one concert in the UK. Love Supreme is a great festival!
I will NEVER forget seeing you just by accident in Tahoe after my 1st. professional road trip. Me and my lead vocalist were on our way back to Seattle from Phoenix. We saw you w/ your brother and only a drummer and a percussionist. “Where is the bassist and guitarist?” Well- I had never heard such GREAT music, just seeming to FLY off that small casino stage! Needless to say- when I got back home I went out and bought EVERY record I could find of you. LIFETIME fan Gino. Loved your work w/ the Yellowjackets, Cobham and Chaka too. You’re like a Fine Wine- just gets better and better! God Bless You!
Thank you for taking the time to write a little about what you’re up to so the people who love your music can keep up with you.
I’ve loved your music since I was a tad older than a kid. I grew up listening to my mother play gorgeous classical piano pieces but when I hit 11, I started branching out. Led Zeppelin, Steely Dan, Black Sabbath, such an eclectic variety of music styles to love, but I was really wowed by you, especially Powerful People and Jo Jo.
I always wondered about that last one…it made me sad. Did he make it? Is he OK?
Anyway, thank you again. Still absolutely adore the sound of your soulful voice.
A fellow musician,
Gino for the UK…, Yes, Yes Yes..please!
Hello Gino, I’ve had the opportunity to see you in Barcelona for a long time … It’s been a long time. Thank you for continuing to create, for giving us emotions and power, through you, to sing as I would like to sing and express what you express so well. Here, in Barcelona, many of us are still waiting for you … Meanwhile, we have your CDs left while the day ends and we take refuge in them to feel full … A big hug
When will Gino Vannelli be performing in the Midwest? Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago would be much closer than the other cities that are so far from where we live(La Crosse, Wisconsin). Bob(spouse) and I have loved Gino’s voice and music since the 1970’s.
Please seriously consider coming to the Midwest. We are a friendly and are passionate about artists like you!
I am Sicilian Italian and would open our home to you and your musicians.
We LOve You, Gino.
When will Gino Vannelli be performing in the Midwest? Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago would be much closer than the other cities that are so far from where we live(La Crosse, Wisconsin). Bob(spouse) and I have loved Gino’s voice and music since the 1970’s.
Please seriously consider coming to the Midwest. We are friendly and are passionate about artists like you!
I am Sicilian Italian and would open our home to you and your musicians.
We Love You, Gino.