We had such a great rehearsal yesterday. Built up a new arrangement for the solo section of People Gotta Move. Band killed it.
Actually got lost in the mist of Gypsy Days during practice. (Some songs have a way of taking you places.)
Leave tonight for Bow Washington. It will be our last two concerts for a while. When I get back I am not coming up for air until I finish this new record. Best to take a long breath.
Gonna post more lyrics from the new record soon. (The sap is flowing)
See you this weekend
We had such a great rehearsal yesterday…

8 Comments on “We had such a great rehearsal yesterday…”
Hello Gino, Ive been a fan for longer than I care to remember…I never saw you in concert when I was in my teens, but I’ve watched you on youtube live tracking you from the 70s until now. Your voice is how I remembered. Moreever your new arrangements seem to date you. Sing them like you did when we were young, in the same arrangement. When you date yourself you date your fans. Mick Jagger sings his hits in the same arrangement…and we all feel like we’re in our teens again. You still have it! You’re holding back why? You’re Sexy, Vibrant and Mad Cool! Stop holding back let go like you use to, we want to get up out of our seats and live in that moment. In that time when your songs captivated our imaginations with love. You are blessed by God a talent that is FOREVER YOUNG!
can’t you give an artist room to grow? change for the better?
Your obviously not a singer or a musician.
His arrangements get better as he get’s older.
I love his originals, but I can grow, and love the new stuff and even better arrangements.
Stop trying to limit him, and hold him back. Grow up, grow old with he and the rest of us.
For Pete’s sake, quit idolizing the past, and Gino. Give him his freedom as an artist.
Thank you for bringing your fantastic talents and energy to the stage tonight in Bow; what a joy! The band you’ve put together is tremendously talented (brilliant balance), and we appreciated your pausing to share heartfelt thoughts about your lifelong passion for music, and the challenges of your career. It has always been clear that you draw from a river that is both wide and deep. It’s been a pleasure to be able to follow your work, and we’re looking forward to ever more. (New record in the works? Great!)
Thank you for such an amazing concert last Saturday night in Bow,WA. You are truly a gifted artist in many ways. You were very generous in allowing us to meet you and take a picture, thank you. My husband introduced me to your beautiful music 33 years ago – when we met. He had seen you in the 70’s and we have looked to see you since. This was a dream of ours come true. We wish you many more years of bringing love and joy to the world, something that is missing in music these days. And, you can be assured that we would NOT mistake you for Barry Manalow (hah).
Mark & Suzi
YAY!!! I’ve been waiting for the new record to be completed. I know Gino has been busy touring (yep, I’ve been to several of the shows….won’t say how many…LOL!) I think we can let him “come up for air” so he can bless us with more of his musical gift. 🙂
We have been to your two concerts at the Arcada Theater in St. Charles IL. To say I have all your work on vinyl may date me back to the 70’s and wanted to say, we enjoyed all the new arrangements and vocals. The pipes are still strong, with the fine jazzy arrangements, the shows have been tremendous…….look forward to hearing the new arrangements of the older work, and the new stuff as well……hurry back.
The sap is flowing in NE Ohio to, but it’s of the Maple variety! I’ve been to many of your 2015 concerts and wish I could attend the November 2016 gig at the Saban in Beverly Hills. Will your set list include some of the new recordings? I’m very excited about your new record and anxiously await it’s release. I already know it will be a great success. Please share more news with your fans about this and other projects as the year progresses.